George’s Story

George’s Story

I’ve always called Liverpool home. I grew up in Speke, a typical estate, known mainly for the airport and that some of the Beatles used to live there. I attended Hunts Cross Primary School before attending Liverpool College for secondary school. I had a good childhood; my family were never well off and our most exotic holiday was to Wales but there always food on the table and we had everything that we needed. Growing up, I was always interested in Maths and Physics which lead me to go on to study these at a specialist sixth form college. The plan was always to go and study Engineering at University and I had received offers from both the University of Liverpool and the University of Exeter.  Quickly, however, I found myself struggling to keep up with exceptionally gifted peers, and around the same time there was a great loss in my family, and also a wonderful wedding. This is what brought me to church. Around 18 months into my A-Level studies, just before the exam season, I felt a sense that maybe Engineering wasn’t for me. Exploring alternatives, I considered doing an access to HE course in Healthcare and while I was taking a year out in preparation, a few people mentioned to me the Ministry Experience Scheme and the Tsedaqah community and that brings me to now.

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George Hesketh - A Reader in the Diocese of Liverpool

Different than expected

“just a normal lad who was brought up on a council estate, I never thought that I would ‘fit in’ in church, but God calls all sorts of different people”

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