Explore Lifecall Roles

Discover the roles behind our stories and follow God’s calling on your life.

Dave Coslett - A Distinctive Deacon in the Diocese of Liverpool

Distinctive Deacon

Distinctive Deacons are boundary crossers – driven to take the transforming truth of the gospel out in word and deed to the places in our community most in need....
Warren Hartley

Local Missional Leader (LML)

Local Missional Leaders are people gatherers – driven by the desire to see more people be able to access the opportunity to encounter Jesus and join a small group of...
George Hesketh - A Reader in the Diocese of Liverpool

Ministry Experience Scheme – Intern

Ministry Experience Scheme interns are 18–30-year-olds giving a year of life to God to serve while exploring their understanding of mission and ministry – driven by the desire to serve...
Warren Hartley - An LML in the Diocese of Liverpool

Network of Kindness

The Network of Kindness provides training and networking opportunities to develop how you work for justice in your daily life – driven by a passion to live out your discipleship...
Anne Kazich - A Priest Assistant in the Diocese of Liverpool

Priest – Assistant

Assistant Priests are servants and shepherds, leading and guiding God’s people in worship and mission – driven to take their place in supporting the Body of Christ in the mission...
Jerome Daniels - A Priest Incumbent in the Diocese of Liverpool

Priest – Incumbent

Priest Incumbents are servants and shepherds, leading and guiding God’s people in worship and mission – driven to see the Body of Christ engaged in the mission of God....
A photo of Kath Yates - A Reader in the Diocese of Liverpool


Readers are passionate about learning about God in scripture – driven by the desire to enable themselves and other disciples to be committed to engaging with the Bible and applying...
Dave Kernikc - A member of the Diocese of Liverpool

The Religious Life

Religious Community Members are dedicated to a life focussed on daily commitment to rhythms of prayer, worship and service – driven to live in community, under covenanted promises to prioritise...

Read Our Stories

Lifecall facilitates training, vocation opportunities
& courses to help people find a new life call.