1to1 Lifecall Conversation

Discover your next steps in discerning your call from God

It starts with a conversation...

Have you been exploring what God is calling you to do with your unique lifecall? Not sure what to do next? Wondering what’s possible? Wanting to talk about how to discern if you’re going in the right direction? Value talking to somebody completely independent about your ideas?

Then a 1 to 1 conversation with one of our lifecall coaches might be just what you need!

A conversation with somebody independent, who understands all the emotions and practicalities of wondering how to respond to a sense of God calling you, can really empower you to make decisions about your next steps.

Take the next step

There is no cost for a conversation and the content of the conversation is not shared with anyone, so this is a real chance for you to talk openly in a safe space where you are encouraged to be brave and voice the journey you are on.

If you would like more information or to arrange a lifecall conversation, please use our short booking form here to contact us.