Becky’s Story

Becky’s Story

I am from Liverpool and grew up in Waterloo near Crosby with my family and two younger sisters. I embraced Christianity at the age of four. I went to St John’s Primary School and to Manor High School, which later changed to St Michaels in my final year. My experience in primary school was challenging as I was bullied for my Christian faith, a difficult experience that shaped my resilience. High school proved to be a positive move, offering me a supportive community of friends, both Christians and non-Christians.

 Post-high school, I pursued A Levels at KGV in Southport, enjoying the travel and independence that came with it. During this time, I also began dating my now-husband, who I met in the church band, where he played bass guitar, and I contributed as a backing vocalist. We built a strong friendship over a year before officially dating. We tied the knot in 2012 and lived in Walton.

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A photo of Becky Courtney

“When I’m asked big questions, being honest to say that I don’t know all the answers but I’m journeying with them too.”

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