Network of Kindness

Network of Kindness

Whatever we do and where ever we do it, we’re all called to work for justice.  Whether it’s through supporting your local foodbank, taking care of a your neighbours or shopping ethically, the way that we treat this world reflect how we view God.  

In Matthew 25 Jesus teaches us that “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Justice then, isn’t an optional extra that we add onto our lives but it’s a central part of our discipleship and part of the foundation on which everything is built on.  

As Liverpool Diocese works to make a bigger difference across our communities, we want to support you in working for justice. One of the ways we’re doing this is through Together Liverpool.  

Together Liverpool’s main project, the Network of Kindness, is bringing people together who are passionate about working for justice to build relationships, share learning and work for justice together. The Network is free to join and you can either signup as an individual champion, a project or a hub (a collection of projects).  

When you’ve joined the Network of Kindness you’ll be invited to training events, networking opportunities and be resourced to deepen your work. By joining in, you’ll be able to explore how God is calling you to work for justice in your life, community and networks. 

The Network of Kindness is also working through all the deaneries in the diocese to enable churches to launch new social action projects through a series of Learning Communities. We’d love you to join us, just let your vicar know you’re interested and ask them to let you know when sessions are planned.  

To find out more and join the Network of Kindness visit  

Key Details

> Justice Seekers
> People Noticers
> Change Makers

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