Ministry Experience Scheme – Intern

Ministry Experience Scheme – Intern

The Ministry Experience Scheme (MES) is a national Church of England scheme for people aged 18-30 who want to spend a year discerning more clearly what God is calling you to. Through giving this year to God, serving in a local Church you will have the opportunity to discover your unique gifts and skills and reflect on how God may be calling you to develop and use them in the future. 

You can read more and explore stories of people who have been part of the MES scheme nationally here 

In our diocese you can be part of the MES scheme in two ways. Non-residentially, with a placement in a local parish to you where you will be supported and mentored by the local leadership team. Or some people explore a residential year in our Tsedaqah House community. 

You can find out more about Tsedaqah House which is part of the Triangle of Hope partnership between Liverpool, Kumasi and Virginia Dioceses, by visiting this web page 

To ask specific questions or to talk with someone about the MES scheme please contact us on 

To get an insight into what this role might be like, read George’s story.

Key Details

> Journeying Disciples
> Whole life God Seekers
> Reflective Learners

Read Our Stories

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