Local Missional Leader (LML)

Local Missional Leader (LML)

Local Missional Leaders (LML) is a specific commissioned role for, usually lay ministry here in the Diocese of Liverpool. 

We know that God longs for more people to experience a relationship with him and to be nurtured in faith within the family of the church. We also know that sometimes people who don’t know anything about the church may find it difficult or just not even think about joining a church community. 

LMLs are people who have a heart for finding ways to help people experience church community in a way that is accessible to them. They want to help others to have the opportunity to encounter Jesus for themselves and be supported as they begin a discipleship journey. 

LMLs see opportunities in their local context to begin a new worshipping community or develop an existing community or group so that there is a fresh invitation for people to join church in a way they didn’t expect. This might be a worshipping community in a school or based on an allotment or connected to a community meal … the options are limitless! 

LMLs are people gatherers. They naturally find a few people who get excited by their idea for a new way to reach people and from this grow a group of people to explore, plan and try out a new idea. 

A worshipping community is a small community of disciples in a particular context, with a unique missional purpose. It prioritises mission, discipleship, community, worship and leadership. The LML is accountable to and mentored by an ordained leader in the local context and the worshipping community is connected to and supported by a local parish. 

The Cultivate Programme is being rolled out in areas of the diocese and is the ideal route to explore your idea for a new worshipping community with others in a structured supported way. If, with support and prayer, your idea seems to have potential then we want you to have a go! You will be invited to be commissioned as an LML if through this process a new community emerges. Becoming an LML is a celebration of what you are already doing and recognises your authority to lead this group of people under the supervision of your clergy mentor. As an LML you will be supported, mentored and offered training that is appropriate for you as and when you need it. 

To get an insight into what this role might be like, read Alison’s story.

Key Details

> People Gatherers
> Have-a-go Enthusiasts
> Prayerful Faith Sharers

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