Introduction to Preaching

Introduction to Preaching

Are you exploring a possible call to preaching as part of your lifecall? Is someone encouraging you to have a go in your church but you’re not sure where to start?  

This 3 week course will give you some background to the purpose and place of preaching in our church life. It will give you introductory insights into approaches to preaching and offer you support in creating your own short talk with the (optional) opportunity to try it out in a safe place for some useful feedback. 

Session 1 will explore the purpose of sermons and approaches to using the biblical text appropriately. You will be introduced to a simple sermon structure so that you can begin to practically approach using some biblical text, and thinking about how your exploration of the text could inform the content of a sermon. You will be signposted to a range of accessible resources. 

Session 2 will extend your thinking on approaches to preparing sermons with a range of models of preaching. You will spend some time working through processes of preparation for writing and delivering sermons. 

Session 3 will take a whole-life view to preaching – the who? what? where? and why? Or preaching through all of who you are. You will hear short sermons and review what you have been learning through what you hear and observe. There will be chance, for those who want to, to try out a 3 minute talk you have prepared and be offered some supportive feedback. 

This course will be led by experienced preachers who will bring quite varied approaches to preaching in preparation and delivery, giving you opportunity to explore your own approach within a supportive framework. 

Date: Wednesday 28th May, 4th June, 11th June 2025

Time: 7-9pm

Location: St James’ House, Liverpool L1 7BY

This course is free to attend, just let us know you are coming by emailing Sam Stanford at 

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