Introduction to Leading Worship

Introduction to Leading Worship

Have you wondered what goes in to planning and leading worship for groups of people? Why do we say the words we do? What helps others, be nurtured and challenged by the truth of God, recommit to following Jesus daily, and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit? 

This 3 week course will give you insight into all of these questions and provide you with an opportunity to take first steps in leading worship. 

Session 1 will explore what we mean by worship and why we do it. This will include specifically the expressions of Anglican worship, the shape of the church year and an understanding of liturgy. Together we will explore the use of music in worship. 

Session 2 will delve deeper into an approach to planning a worship service, introducing you to a framework for crafting worship that draws others close to God and each other. Different styles and traditions of worship will be expressed through this framework. There will be an opportunity for you to have a go at some planning together. 

Session 3 will explore the Eucharist and how all are included in it. We will explore the use of space and voice to create environments that allow others to engage with worship. You will have an opportunity to have a go at leading parts of a simple act of worship. 

This course will be led by experienced clergy who have between them a wide experience of all kinds of worship and will encourage you to find your authentic voice as you explore first steps of leading worship. Come along to understand more about yourself in worship with no pressure to have a go. 

Date: Wednesday 30th April, 7th May, 14th May 2025

Time: 7-9pm

Location: St James’ House, Liverpool L1 7BY

This course is free to attend, just let us know you are coming by emailing Sam Stanford at 

Key Details

Discover Roles

Ministry Experience Scheme – Intern

Ministry Experience Scheme interns are 18–30-year-olds giving a year of life to God to serve while exploring their understanding of mission and ministry – driven by the desire to serve God and make decisions about their future through taking time to be part of serving and exploring ministry with other young people.

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Local Missional Leader (LML)

Local Missional Leaders are people gatherers – driven by the desire to see more people be able to access the opportunity to encounter Jesus and join a small group of disciples journeying together.

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Priest – Assistant

Assistant Priests are servants and shepherds, leading and guiding God’s people in worship and mission – driven to take their place in supporting the Body of Christ in the mission of God.

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